For sometime now I've had this urge to paint with oil.  I was interested in the texture which can be created with a brush(s).  My first thoughts were to paint a large enough canvas which I could use as a backdrop for some macro images.  I got to really enjoy painting, mixing and creating different shades from scratch.  I used 6 sample acrylic samples which had been sitting around for years.  That was the starting point. The painting then became the way of connecting the squares together and filling in the spaces.  I found the whole experience so relaxing.  So much so, I've started another canvas.  
The finished article.....Table of Food.
Selective desaturation produces another expression 
Full desaturation gives yet another expression 
Snoopy making his modelling debut lol
Penguin getting a shot of fame at Snoop's expense lol
Penguin and Snoop sharing the limelight 
Texture and colour working together.  Loved it!
Chocolate liquors anyone?   
I loved the way the red band works with orange and blue 

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